Dr. Nir Erdinast, The Keratoconus Center-Contact Lens Fitting for Keratoconus
The Keratoconus Center is a unique medical center dedicated to the supervision, monitoring and the application of keratoconus contact lenses. The institute holds advanced eye examination and corneal mapping equipment and indeed – all the types of keratoconus contact lenses available on the market. We, at the Keratoconus Center, are committed to patient care, professionalism and innovation in terms of medical supervision and lens application.
Suffering from keratoconus? Haven’t yet found the right lens for you? We will be happy to provide you with the professional knowledge, the innovative equipment and the extensive experience we have accumulated in medical supervision and lens application.
The Keratoconus Center
02-6785858 | Modiin| Mevaseret Zion |Netanya | Jerusalem | Ramat Gan | TEL 02-5004333
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“Myopia Center is the only one in Israel that gives a professional and comprehensive solution,” Dekel Dror